Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back in the UK

Hello everyone,
we are now home, we arrived yesterday brruuuurrrr its sooooooo cold, but I hear you say sooooo sunny, OK well yes its very beautiful and sunny but freezing cold. I am wearing a number of coats and gloves!

We had a great flight nice and smooth and we managed to sleep a little, we are just settling in to our little room at a friends house which we are using until we find a flat to live in. There are plenty on the market so it should not be too long before we can get all our stuff out of storage and get ready for a family Christmas.

I hope we shall see you all soon and thank you for the emails and support. We will be in contact but for now Pink Apple Life blog spot will go on hold for a bit. I will be busy now developing the Awakening with Horses programme which is gathering support which is showing me which direction to be going in next.

Peace and Love


Friday, November 16, 2007

Coming home

Well, we are coming home maybe as early as early next week, Thank you everyone who has been sending kind thoughts and messages for a good outcome for all. I think it a good opportunity to look at how and what we manifest in our lives for our learning, I know that it has been quite a journey for Bernie and myself.

I look forward to seeing you all soon, this is probably the last blog entry for a few days until we arrive home.

Peace and Love
Caro xxx

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Difficult situation

As you know we have had problems with the water supply here, well we have also been experiencing all sorts of other problems with the noise around this area and the past couple of months have been extremely challenging in that aspect. We decided pretty early on that it was not going to be suitable to bring people down here. It has been a huge learning curve for us and one which I hope we have fully integrated. We are in the process of attempting to secure some sort of refund on the house and compensation. We plan to come back to the UK much earlier than we first thought, we hope to be home before Christmas now. We will keep you posted on progress. Meanwhile please send good thoughts for the best outcome for all concerned in this situation - thank you

Monday, November 12, 2007

Heart of Stone and Bernie's brush with a lorry

Heart of Stone
We went down to the beach this morning for our walk and a swim and I found this beautiful stone. It was just after I had mentioned to Bernie about a small palm tree growing on the beach, I said 'I haven't seen that tree before have you?' Bernie told me that it had always been there! It got me thinking about how we only see things when we are ready and how much just passes us by. As I was contemplating this, I looked down and the stone was right there mmmmm... I had to bring it home and photograph it for you.

Bernie's brush with a lorry
Unfortunately a lorry squiged the hire car Bernie was driving yesterday, going around a roundabout the lorry was in the wrong lane, its cost a lot of money even though we take insurance you have to pay the first $250 US it takes 6 weeks plus to get a police report which you pay for and then they let you know who was in the wrong, no witness statement was taken even though there was one which would have been good for Bernie, the police didn’t want to know about it… ta de dum.. It’s a good meditation to be here right now-!!

Must be past Karma catching up????

Love Caro and Bernie

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Buddhist Day Retreat

Today I have had the great pleasure to go on a Buddhist day retreat led by an incredible speaker, Kelsang Rigden, a Canadian Buddhist nun from the Tara Kadampa Centre in Barbados.

We were truly blessed by her grace, humility and humour, we spent all day in meditation, prayers and rest, it was very beautiful and such a welcome rest for me from what has become a difficult and challenging time here in the house, we have been experiencing a lot of noise from the road works and I am not sure if we will be able to stay here under these conditions much longer, we are trying to negotiate something with the agents and owners.

This is an excerpt from today:

A mind clouded with negativity and distraction brings confusion and pain. In our busy life it is hard to rid our mind of these clouds and easy to let negative minds overwhelm us and take control. Discover how to access the blissful clarity of your mind and banish distractions, improving mindfulness and inner balance.

Just what I need right now-!!

Love to all Caro xx

Friday, November 9, 2007

Update on Diet and Dancing Parrot

Update On Diet.
Well.... mmmmm......things are OK but I am finding it difficult right now due to our water problem, not to use that as an excuse even though it is. I mentioned before that I was steaming a bit of starch as in rice or sweet potato, what I have found is that by doing that I have cut down on the amount of greens, that I know is not a very smart thing to do and by writing about it brings it into focus for me. Sharing this all helps with re - focusing. When I first came here I was going to do a juice feast, I decided that it was not going to happen early on in the stay due to working out. I found that the combination of the heat with my fitness and emotional levels was too much to tackle all at once, so I have broken it down into slices. I decided to tackle the fitness first and that is ongoing, I am much fitter in the legs due to the one and a half hours hill walking 4/5 times a week, I have built that up from 2 times per week in the beginning. Trying to get upper body fitness is proving hard as my shoulder plays up if I do much. Swimming is fun and I do that in the pool every day and on the beach when we get there. So my sense is that it is time for another step, I think it is time for more greens, juices and less starch. I don't seem to eat much fruit either as the sweetness is too much. Sunrider products of course for me stay up there as a daily priority.

Bernie is working out every day at the gym and is looking well. He leaves me at the villa to get on with my work, taking the mini bus down town before heading up to Rodney Bay to the gym.

Dancing Parrot
Everyday I get people sending me various info, this I just had to share, I thought it was so funny and I know my son Ben will love it!

love for now

Caro and Bernie

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Back again! Apologies, National Geographic, and Jet ski's.

Apologies for not writing for a few days, we are still suffering with problems over water. WASCO have not connected us as yet despite many promises, we have been buying water instead from the local shop which is OK, well at least after I have remembered to go into my heart and be awesomely OK with it all. Local shops are somewhat different than the local corner shop in the UK, here the local shop is a little wooden shack, which sells a few tinned provisions, alcohol and thankfully bottled water.

National Geographic
We have a small TV and I have got interested in some of the programmes from NG they also have a really interesting website and on there I found a short film clip, if you are interested in horses or camels take a look!

Jet Ski's
One of the things that are funny here is the Christmas advert on TV when it’s so hot. It always seems so strange to me when I am here in the sun at Christmas rather than the cold and dark of the UK, with Father Christmas arriving on a jet ski rather than down the chimney-!! I am grateful though to be missing all the consumerism that goes on in the western world, no one here is speaking of Christmas yet except an odd advert here and there. I looked for a video for you and found this one, really cool I think, must remember to go play on a jet ski soon

Love for now Caro and Bernie

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Life is short

A friend sent this to me the other day;

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly,
Kiss slowly, Love Truly, Laugh uncontrollably,
And never regret anything that made you Smile.

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should Dance . . .

Warriors don't always have to fight. They may just need to stand up!

Thanks Diana x

No Water

Well interesting how we take the wet stuff for granted in the UK here we are in St Lucia, the water has been off for 3 days due to two things;

1. the people who are building the road broke the pipe and took out the water meter with their JCB thingy a week ago, the water board WASCO have done nothing about it with water running down the gully at the side of the road DURR!!*** And they keep on TV ‘save water, we don’t have much’ etc.

2. The water pump which is the only way the water goes around the house is broken!

The tanks that we have, four of them, two for WASCO pumped water which are now empty and two for the rainwater collection off the roof. I have now discovered the delights of bathing and washing hair in rainwater, no need for conditioner, well it was great until the pump died. The rain clouds blow in straight off the Atlantic Ocean so I guess its pure-ish apart from loads of pollutants which I am sure someone will tell me about. We drink it but I do filter it and put it in prill beads and cosmic stones.

So for now we have no water apart from a big swimming pool and a couple of litres for drinking, not really dire I know but still makes me really grateful for what we have so easily in the UK.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Rain, RIP Mr Mouse, Books and food


Well I will say no more about the monsoon weather we seem to be getting, I consider we have been lucky compared to the Bahamas with tropical storm Noel which is now progressing up to hurricane level, possibly later today.

We are very lucky here and I have only once experienced a hurricane, it was in 1999, but to be honest I was in the gym when the worst of it passed through, It was only when I came out when walking home that I became aware that it was a hurricane! I had gone into the gym and there was high winds, a bit stormy, when I came out there was debris lying around, and everything looked like it had been dragged though the hedge backwards, the seas were really rough with waves which reached right through the beach front hotels dining and lobby area’s. Worst was for a couple of weeks we couldn’t swim in the sea because of all the rubbish and branches around.


A little mouse came in and died in the chair this week…. RIP


With all of this bad weather I have got stuck in to finishing a children’s story which I am writing, I wrote it a couple of years ago and have meant to do something with it, finally I am getting it finished and it will be ready for launch in a few weeks as an e-book download.

I have also been reading a book by Mark Silver ‘unveiling the heart of your business’
I really love this book because it explains in detail how money, marketing and sales can deepen your heart, heal the world, and still add to your bottom line. If you would like to read about him here is the link

Training and raw foods

Training is going well, I am much fitter than when I arrived on the Island, although I have not been able to weigh myself my clothes are looser so I must be losing the inches. My diet is so simple made up of a little fruit, coconut water and sometimes the meat inside. Every day my diet includes some of the following; Lettuce, tomatoes, spinach cucumbers, avocado’s, chard and about three times a week I have a little steamed rice or some root vegetable. Every day I use extra virgin olive oil, raw coconut oil, seeds and almonds, I also take some sunrider super foods, it feels easy to do and my body is very happy. I only drink water now or coconut juice, as juicing fruits was too strong for me. At the moment the liquidiser has broken so that also plays a part. I wouldn't mind some raw chocolate though!

Bernie is eating well and has joined a gym with no air con! Thats a hard one for him and he tries to go before it gets too hot.

Thats all for now folks,

Love Caro