Sun and one downpour. 32 C. (approx)
Wow what a long day! I awoke at 4-30 a.m. and we went out on our morning walk at 6-30 a.m. Its now 8p.m. as I write this. Well today I got the feeling to do some sun cooking, I say cooking because the weather was so hot that the plates that I used became as hot as if they had been in the oven! After our walk and laze in the pool to recover I cut up a few tomatoes, marinated some aubergine in lime, olive oil and a little sea salt, soaked some flax seeds to make crackers and checked out the hottest place to put everything. This was my first sun drying experience and just hoped that it was as easy as I thought it should be. I mixed into the flax seeds some sunflower seeds and cut up a spring onion to add flavour added a bit of sea salt and spread the mix around a plate.
It all went out into the sun under a new mesh protector that I bought the other day. I tended them with loving care (well I did look at them a few times and turned the crackers at half time) and marvelled at the heat of the sun, see photo. They were almost ready when we decided to pop down to the beach, unfortunately I made the rather duff decision to leave them out just to finish off, mmmmmmistake, it was blue sky, real hot, dry and cloudless but whilst we were out there must have been a downpour, when we got back there was rather a lot of puddles around and I looked at Bernie with that sinking feeling when you know you made a real mistake of a decision. I have to say it wasn’t too bad I rescued the food and put it in a very low oven and finished the drying process once again and the result was pretty good. The lesson learned. I had been in a bit of a hurry as I was not ready as soon as Bernie and so forgot to ‘tune in to the energy’ otherwise I might have felt to bring them in. I felt a bit deflated for a while, but soon perked up when it tasted soooo good.. ah well next time…..!!!
Just testing the process of comments! Caro
I'm sure the rain added some extra nutrients to your sun dried meal!
Just to let you know we are having one of those 'special' Indian summers here in the UK. Balmy days follow on from cool misty mornings. The hedgerows alive with turning colours. Ripe berries adorn the trees and bushes.
Bet you wish you were back here now don't you?
Enjoy your retreat and keep on with the blog.
Hi Nigel
yes thanks for your comments, I think I will stay here though, ha, ha love Caro x
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