Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Back again! Apologies, National Geographic, and Jet ski's.

Apologies for not writing for a few days, we are still suffering with problems over water. WASCO have not connected us as yet despite many promises, we have been buying water instead from the local shop which is OK, well at least after I have remembered to go into my heart and be awesomely OK with it all. Local shops are somewhat different than the local corner shop in the UK, here the local shop is a little wooden shack, which sells a few tinned provisions, alcohol and thankfully bottled water.

National Geographic
We have a small TV and I have got interested in some of the programmes from NG they also have a really interesting website and on there I found a short film clip, if you are interested in horses or camels take a look!

Jet Ski's
One of the things that are funny here is the Christmas advert on TV when it’s so hot. It always seems so strange to me when I am here in the sun at Christmas rather than the cold and dark of the UK, with Father Christmas arriving on a jet ski rather than down the chimney-!! I am grateful though to be missing all the consumerism that goes on in the western world, no one here is speaking of Christmas yet except an odd advert here and there. I looked for a video for you and found this one, really cool I think, must remember to go play on a jet ski soon

Love for now Caro and Bernie

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