Monday, October 22, 2007

Thoughts on Diet

I wanted to log down my raw food findings for this body / mind.

Last week I went 100% raw except that little blip with the bread. What I am finding is that when I do a lot of exercise my body is sending out signals that it wants starch. Yesterday I went down the beach first thing and ran and walked the one mile using a system of interval training

Afterwards I swam with flippers around half a mile in the same way. Later again in the afternoon I did the same swim. My body replied to this workout with wanting starch and I felt a bit odd until I had a small portion of cooked rice, a small raw cabbage salad and a couple of small pieces of breadfruit and half a green fig (a kind of unripe banana which you cook) I am beginning to realise that I need to look at ways in which I can give myself these foods in a good way without destroying the enzymes by too much heat. Some foods just seem better to me steamed a bit to soften them. I still feel comforted by starch that way too.

My diet for that day consisted of
Before exercise
A sunrider sunbar

After exercise
Juice and meat of a coconut to keep me going whilst I made

A sunrider vitashake mixed with almond milk and the almond pulp of about 15 almonds

Later that a.m. 1 pint of green juice

After second exercise
2-30 pm the small starch meal

2 mangoes and the meat of one coconut made into ice cream (just frozen up nothing added)

After this I was not hungry and just drank more water. I drink around 2-3 litres a day of water

I can see that this is an unfolding journey and not a destination and I could be more in transition, which would be gentle on the body. For me its easy to get caught up in ‘getting it right or being goal orientated with being a raw food vegan. I am finally getting to be more in the moment and responding to my body in a way which is more supportive.

I am also spending a little time each day on the net researching the signals my body is sending to me to create a mental understanding of the nutrients in different foods.

All for now

love Caro xx

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